Contoh surat lamaran kerja bahasa inggris

Surat lamaran kerja merupakan dokumen penting yang haru kamu buat ketika sedang melamar kerja. Surat lamaran kerja mempunyai format dan ketentuan dalam cara penulisan.

Seringkali orang bingung bagaimana cara menulis lamaran kerja, terlebih jika di suatu perusahaan yang ingin ia tempati mengharuskan membuat lamaran kerja dengan bahasa Inggris. Tentu bikin pusing sekali kan.

Sebenarnya, membuat surat lamaran kerja menggunakan bahasa Inggris tidak begitu sulit. Yang penting kamu tahu format surat lamaran kerja dan paham isi dari surat yang ingin kamu tulis.

Dan sekarang ada teknologi translete kalimat di google, kamu bisa manfaatkan itu untuk menulis surat lamaran kerja bahasa Inggris.

contoh surat lamaran kerja bahasa inggris yang simple

Namun jika kamu merasa ribet harus nulis dan kemudian translate, kami akan manjakan kamu dengan dua templete surat lamaran kerja bahasa inggris yang bisa kamu pilih sendiri.

2 Contoh surat lamaran kerja bahasa inggris

Berikut adalah beberapa contoh surat lamaran kerja bahasa Inggris yang bisa kamu jadikan sebagai referensi.

1. Contoh surat lamaran kerja bahasa Inggris pertama.

surat lamaran pekerjaan bahasa inggris berdasarkan iklan

Mr. John
Head Of Human Resource Division
PT Aksara rasa
Jln. Jendral Soedirman No. 69

Dear Mr. John:
Based on the advertisement in social media at April 28st, 2019 there a job vacancy in your company as desainer.

I worked for two years as a graphic design at a printing shop in Purwokerto. therefore I am very confident, my ability will help your company, PT. Aksara Rasa, became a big company

I graduated from S1 with a major in graphic design. therefore I intend to apply for your company. my ability in terms of graphic design is quite complete. I can operate and use Corel Draw X7, Photoshop, Adobe Illustration, and many more. with some of the software above, I can make logos, banners, business cards and other products from graphic design.
besides, I had a graphic design championship certificate when I was in school. I won second place in the graphic design championship between SMKs across the Banyumas.

I hope that you will accept me as a worker in your company. please sir, take a look at my CV that I have sent via e-mail and if you accept that I work at this company, you can contact me at telephone number 089666212698


Jonas Jawir

Baca Juga:

2. Contoh surat lamaran kerja bahasa Inggris 2

surat lamaran pekerjaan dalam bahasa inggris beserta iklannya doc fresh graduate smk

Mr.s Nuan Sukini
The Principal SMK Maarif Nu 1 Cilongok
Cilongok- Purwokerto
Jawa Tengah

Dear ms,
I got information from a teacher who worked at the SMK Maarif NU 1 Cilongok, he said the school was in need of teaching staff in the field of Multimedia. I volunteered to become a teacher at the school.

I graduated from a multimedia university and had worked in several digital printing in purwokerto. I have also worked in local television in my area.

I have a lot of ideas and the right teaching system to apply to high school students. if you wish to accept me as a multimedia teacher at your school, you can contact me at phone number 08713465489.

Or you can also email me at for the attention of the ladies and gentlemen, I thank you.

Sincerely yours,


Itulah contoh surat lamaran kerja bahasa Inggris. Sekian dan terima kasih.
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